Our Father, You are holy
We give You glory and we bless Your name

Our Father, You are holy
We give You glory and we bless Your name

Our Father, You are holy
We give You glory and we bless Your name

Our Father, You are holy
We give You glory and we bless Your name

Our Father, You are holy
We give You glory and we bless Your name

Our Father, You are holy
We give You glory and we bless Your name

Our Father, You are holy
We give You glory and we bless Your name

Our Father, You are holy
We give You glory and we bless Your name

Our Father, You are holy
We give You glory and we bless Your name

Our Father, You are holy
We give You glory and we bless Your name

Our Father, You are holy
We give You glory and we bless Your name

[Repeat and Modulate]