Video+Lyrics: The Stage Is Bare – Sandi Patty

Video+Lyrics: The Stage Is Bare – Sandi Patty

The stage is bare
The crowds are gone
The love we shared still lingers on
We sang and played and we laughed and cried
And in our tumbling way we tried
To say that only hearts can know
And all too soon we had to go
But now here in this darkened room
Just empty seats there’s just me and you
It was so easy to call you Lord
When a thousand voices sang your praise
But there’s no one to hear me now
So hear me now, be near me now
The stage is bare
The crowds are gone
Lord now the time I need your song
To give me joy and certainty
When no one else is watching me
I need you more than words can say
Tomorrow’s such a daily day
And so I need to feel you then
Holding my hand
Please hold me then
I need you, Lord
Video+Lyrics: The Stage Is Bare – Sandi Patty

Video+Lyrics: Bethlehem Morning – Sandi Patty

Lift up your heads, no need to mourn
His hand is stretched out still
For unto us a child is born
His promise to fulfill
Jerusalem! He cried for you
He did not come to you in vain
His loving arms are open wide for you
And He will come, He will come again

Bethlehem morning
Is more than just a memory
For the Child that was born there
Has come to set us free
Bethlehem sunrise
I can see Him in your eyes
For the Child that was born there
His spirit never dies

Peace on Earth, good will to men
His star will never, will never grow dim
And it’s a brand-new dawn
A new Jerusalem
And we, and we will reign
We will reign with Him

Bethlehem morning
Is more than just a memory
For the Child that was born there
Has come to set us free
Bethlehem sunrise
I can see it in your eyes
For the Child that was born there
He’s the King of Kings
And the Lord of Lords
And He will come again

Video+Lyrics: The Stage Is Bare – Sandi Patty

Video+Lyrics: How Great Thou Art – Sandi Patty

How great Thou art
How great Thou art
Oh Lord, my God, how great Thou art
Oh Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all, all of the worlds Thy hands have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
And when I think that God, His son not sparing
Sent Him to die I scarce can take it in
That on the cross my burden gladly bearing
He bled and died to take away my sin
When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation
And take me home what joy shall feel my heart
Then I shall bow in humble adoration and there proclaim
My God, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
How great Thou art
Video+Lyrics: The Stage Is Bare – Sandi Patty

Video+Lyrics: Upon This Rock – Sandi Patty

When others see with earthly eyes
Just what they want to see
You will see the things that never die
You will know and recognize
By simple child-like faith
The priceless truth that
Others will deny.
When others say I’m just a man
Who likes to dream His dreams
When others call a miracle a myth
You’ll listen for eternity
In moments as they pass
And see with spirit eyes
What others miss.
Upon this rock I’ll build My kingdom
And on this rock forever and ever it shall stand
And all the powers of Hell itself
Shall never more prevail against it
For Satan’s thrones are built on sinking sand
Upon this rock I’ll build My kingdom
And on this rock forever and ever it shall stand
Upon this rock of revelation
I’ll build a strong and mighty nation
And it shall stand the storms of time
Upon this rock.
If in a simple carpenter
You see the Son of God
If you would chose to lose
When you could win
If you would give your life away
For nothing in return
Then you are where
My kingdom will begin.
Video+Lyrics: Let There Be Praise – Sandi Patty

Video+Lyrics: Let There Be Praise – Sandi Patty

Let there be praise, there be joy in our hearts
Forevermore, let His love fill the air
And let there be praise, let there be praise
Let there, let there be praise
Let there be praise
Let there be joy in our hearts
Sing to the Lord
Give Him the glory
Let there be praise
Let there be joy in our hearts
Forevermore, let His love fill the air
And let there be praise
He inhabits the praise of His people
And dwells deep within
The peace that He gives none can equal
His love, it knows no end
So lift your voices
With gladness sing
Proclaim through all the earth
That Jesus Christ is King
Let there be praise
Let there be joy in our hearts
Sing to the Lord
Give Him the glory
Let there be praise
Let there be joy in our hearts
Forevermore, let His love fill the air
And let there be praise
When the Spirit of God is within us
We will overcome
In our weakness His strength will defend us
When His praise is on our tongue
So lift your voices
With gladness sing
Proclaim through all the earth
That Jesus Christ is King
Let there be praise
Let there be joy in our hearts
Sing to the Lord
Give Him the glory
Let there be praise
Let there be joy in our hearts
Forevermore, let His love fill the air
And let there be praise
And let there be praise
Let there be singing
Let there be music
Let there be honor
Let there be glory
Majesty worship and praise
Let there be praise