Video+Lyrics: Fly Like An Eagle – Yolanda Adams

Video+Lyrics: Fly Like An Eagle – Yolanda Adams

It’s almost time…
I’m waiting…
Almost time…
Time keeps on slippin’, into the future
Time keeps on slippin’, into the future
I’m gonna fly like an eagle, to the sea
Fly like an eagle, let the spirit carry me
I’m gonna fly like an eagle, til I’m free
On through the revolution
Feed the babies who don’t have enough to eat
Shoe the children with no shoes on their feet
House the people livin’ in the street
Ooooh, there’s a solution
I’m gonna fly like an eagle, to the sea
Fly like an eagle, let the spirit carry me
I’m gonna fly like an eagle, til I’m free
On through the revolution
There are times when I would liKe
To fly away from here
Far this place of hurt and woe
And just disappear
To that place prepared by my love
That is where I’ll go
Waiting for that grat day ’cause I love Him so
I love Him so
-Sax solo-
Time keeps on slippin’
Time keeps on slippin’
Wold keeps on fightin’
Brother keepin on dyin’
Time keeps on slippin’
People keep on trippin’
World keeps on fightin’
But I am delightin’
In the fact that I will fly away
I’ll fly away
One day i’m gonna fly away
One day i’m gonna fly away…
Video+Lyrics: Fly Like An Eagle – Yolanda Adams

Video+Lyrics: Through The Storm – Yolanda Adams

The storms of life will blow
They’re sure to come and go
They meet us all at a time
When I’m calm and doing fine

But the Captain of my soul
He’s always on board
He rocks me in His arms
While riding through the storm

While riding through the storm
Jesus holds me in His arms
I am not afraid
Of the stormy winds and the waves

Though the tides become high
He holds me while I ride
I found safety in His arms
While riding through the storm

I have no fear of the raging seas
Knowing Jesus is there with me
He can speak to the wind and the waves
And make them behave

All power’s in His hand
On sea or dry land
I found safety in the Master’s arms
While riding through the storm

While riding through the storm
Jesus holds me in His arms
No I’m not afraid
Of the stormy wind and the waves

Though the tides become high
He holds me while I ride
I find safety in the Master’s arms
While riding through the storm
While riding through the, the storm

While I’m riding through the, the storm
Yeah while I’m riding through the storm
Jesus holds me in His arms
While I’m riding through the storm

Let the winds blow
I don’t care I’m riding through the storm with Jesus
Let the rains fall down
I’m riding through the storm with Jesus

Jesus is the captain of my soul, yes
He is Jesus, the Captain of my soul
I love Him, I love Him, I love Him
I love Him

Video+Lyrics: Fly Like An Eagle – Yolanda Adams

Video+Lyrics: Gotta Have Love – Yolanda Adams

Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Uh, hee, yeah!
Gotta have love
Gotta have love
Gotta have love
Real love
When I was just a girl
My mama said to me
You can’t fight hate with hate
You gotta love unselfishly
Love is not just a word
But a way of life you keep
You need to know
You’re not here just to receive
Now that I’m older
Her advice I still take heed
For the power of his love
Lives in me
Ya gotta have love
Ya gotta have love on your mind
Ya gotta have love
Real love
Let your heart be your guide
It’s gotta be real love
Feel so good in love
Gotta be real love
Or there’s no sense in wasting your time
Didn’t have to go far
To find myself
Cause he knows the real me
More than anyone else
I found a higher place
Who’s voice I must obey
When I was a child
I heard the Word that say
Now abide in these
Hope and charity
And the greatest of these three
Has set me free
Ya gotta have love
Ya gotta have love
on your mind
Ya gotta have love
Real love
Let your heart be your guide
It’s gotta be real love
Feel so good in love
Gotta be real love
Or there’s no sense in wasting your time
Gotta be unconditional love
Ya gotta be an example
Gotta have love
Love feels so good inside
It’s gotta be a type of love
Or there’s no sense in wasting your time
Yeah sing it girl
Ya gotta have love
Check it out check it out check it out
We got to have love
Because we’re gettin’ beat on the street
And others meet defeat with no heat
And nothin’ to eat
And when you’re walking down the street
You gotta step with pep
‘Cause fools are mad enough to rob you
Just to get a rep
Is it me G
Or is it society
But I can’t see why
We kill for notoriety
That’s whack
We lack love for the black
In fact
Let’s end the attack
So we can get the love
Gotta have love
Gotta have love on your mind
The man on the street with nothing to eat
Wants love
The daughter who doesn’t know her father
Wants love
Gotta have love
Mothers and fathers
Sisters and brothers
Want love
Real love
Let your heart be your guide
Everybody I know
Even they want love
They want a love that’s real
One they can feel
One that’s deep inside
That they can no longer hide
It’s gotta be real love
Gotta be love
Or there’s no sense in wastin’ yo’ time
Video+Lyrics: Fly Like An Eagle – Yolanda Adams

Video+Lyrics: Open Arms – Yolanda Adams

I’ll be waiting
Right here waiting
Talk to my brother
Just the other day
He was feeling kind of low
If he could not turn to me
Where could I go
Don’t know how
I strayed so far away
I wanna come home
But I’m afraid it’s a little too late

I replied to him
Don’t say too late
Jesus is waiting with
open arms
He’s right there
He’s right there
With open arms
Cast upon him all your cares
Open arms
He’s right there
With open arms just for you yeah

He looked at me with tears in his eyes
Oh it’s breakin’ my heart
to see a grown man cry
Hardcore image
Digested lies
No rest for the weary
He needed peace inside
I replied to him
Never say too late
For Jesus is always waiting
With open arms
He’s sayin’ I love you
And there’s nothing you can do
That I will turn my back on you
Open arms
Open arms

I’ll be I’ll be waiting
Gonna be right here waiting
I’ll be I’ll be waiting
You say you don’t know where to go
But I’ve come to let you know
That jesus is waiting
He’s right here waiting
If you’re heavy laden
He’ll give you rest
If you have a burden
He wants you to give that burden to you
Will you let him in
He has open arms
He has wonderful open arms
Give it all to the master
He’s waiting
With open arms
Give it all to him
Give it all to him
He’s waiting
With open arms
I’ll be waiting
I’ll be waiting
Heart full of compassion
He wants to do for you
What he’s done for so many others
He’s right there waiting
With open arms
Arms of love
Arms of peace
Arms of joy

I’ll be waiting
Right here waiting
I’ll be waiting
He’s right there waiting
Just for you
Just for you
I’ll be waiting
I’ll be waiting

Video+Lyrics: Fly Like An Eagle – Yolanda Adams

Video+Lyrics: The Good Shepherd – Yolanda Adams

Quietly He speaks to me.
Gently He leads me.
Lovingly the Shepherd carries me.
He carries me hidden safely in His bosom
I feel His love inside when other times, my friend, I couldn’t.
He knows just what’s best for me;
The Good Shepherd knows, He knows
Just what I need.

Quietly He speaks.
Gently the Master leads.
So lovingly He carries me to
A safe place of rest.
And I feel the Master’s unconditional love,
Everlasting love,
Ever so deeply inside of me.
I’m so glad Jesus knows
Just what’s best for me.

The Good Shepherd knows –
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for Jesus is with me.
He leads me, He guides me, He hides me
In the shelter of His arms;
He holds me there.
The Good Shepherd knows
Just what I need.