Zither Hymn – Wendy K Stahl
Draw me ever near, my God, to Thee
Draw my longing soul to Your mystery
Every dark temptation that I fight
Is no more than a vapor in Your sight
Draw me ever near, my God, to Thee
Oh, open my eyes so that I might see
Oh, anoint my song to tell the tale
Of an eternal love that never fails
Of a love that conquers death and hell
And brings the brokenhearted beyond the veil
Draw me ever near, my God, to Thee
Oh, the Son shall set me free indeed
Every doubt and fear and suffering
Will doubtless fade with the returning King
Draw me ever near, my God, to Thee
Draw me ever near, my God, to Thee
Song Title: Zither Hymn
Singer: Wendy K Stahl
Source: Kingdom Child
![Gospel Ballad [ORIGINAL SONG] 16 String Lyre Harp](https://songsarchive.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/hqdefault.jpg)
Gospel Ballad [ORIGINAL SONG] 16 String Lyre Harp
Adam fell
The fruit fell to the ground
The curse swept in
The earth cried out
“What have you done?”
What is this we know?
Oh, so many things
We were better off not knowing before
Then they hid
“Where are you?” called the Lord
“Why do you hide?
You have never hidden from me before.
Oh, my son,
Is there sin in your heart?”
With tears in her eyes, Eve said:
“Eden has been lost to us.”
Through the ages
billions of stories unfold
The years are a sigh
Knowing good and evil both
Oh, what have we done?
As we wander the land of the lost
Our hearts cry out,
“Deliver us!”
But the fall, it came with a promise for us
There is One who will come and the serpent He’ll crush
Oh, lift up your eyes to the beams of a cross
In the blood of the Lamb, stained garments are washed
All the voices
Of the people of the Lord
Through the ages they tell
Of His mercy and His love
Oh, look what He’s done!
He’s bought our very lives
The gift is for free
Sing the Spirit and the Bride
Song Title: Gospel Ballad
Composer: Wendy K Stahl
Source: Kingdom Child

Lamentation (Funeral Song) by Wendy K Stahl
You gave us a world
We threw it away, we threw it away
What have we done?
You gave us a brother, a father and a son, a daughter and a mother,
But we threw it away, we threw it all away
The Lord sits above the circle of the Earth
With His arms outstretched for ages and ages and ages,
But we threw it away, right back in His face
Why won’t you cry?
Why won’t you turn?
Don’t you know why we die?
Will you ever learn?
I lament
I’ve fallen on the floor
My heart is broken for my people
I cry out for my world
Our cities are in ruins, the dirt is on our face
Enough with your excuses, there’s no illusions here in this place
What have we done?
You gave us a life, we spent it away on things that are vain
What have we done?
You gave us Your Son
We turned away; we spit in His face
Why won’t you cry?
Why won’t you turn?
Don’t you know why we die?
Will you ever learn?
I lament
I’ve fallen on the floor
My heart is broken for my people
I cry out for my world
Our cities, they are blackened, the ashes on our face
Enough with your excuses, there’s no illusions here in this place
Cry out for mercy
Perhaps He’ll show you grace
Cry out for mercy
Perhaps He’ll turn His anger away
Don’t you know He breathes out stars?
Don’t you know how vast He is, and how small we are?
Don’t you see all that He creates?
Don’t you fear the depths of His rage?
Why won’t you cry?
Why won’t you turn?
Don’t you know why we die?
Will you ever learn?
He says “Return to Me, Return to Me, Return to Me. “
He says “Return to Me, Return to Me, Return to Me. “
But you don’t, and you won’t,
So we fall…
Song Title: Lamentation
Composer: Wendy K Stahl
Source: Kingdom Child

Spirit Divine Attend Our Prayers (Video + Lyrics)
1 Spirit divine, attend our prayer,
And make this house your home;
Descend with all your gracious pow’r;
O come, great Spirit, come!
2 Come as the light; to us reveal
Our emptiness and woe,
And lead us in those paths of life
Where all the righteous go.
3 Come as the fire and purge our hearts
Like sacrificial flame;
Let our whole soul an off’ring be
To our Redeemer’s name.
4 Come as the dove, and spread your wings,
The wings of peaceful love;
And let your Church on earth become
Blest as the Church above.
5 Spirit divine, attend our prayer;
Make a lost world your home;
Descend with all your gracious pow’r;
O come, great Spirit, come!