[Video+Lyrics] Hallelujah Chorus

[Video+Lyrics] Hallelujah Chorus


Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

The kingdom of this world

Is become the kingdom of our Lord

And of His Christ.

And He shall reign forever and ever

King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


[Video+Lyrics] Eternal Source of Light Divine

[Video+Lyrics] Eternal Source of Light Divine


Eternal source,
Eternal source, of light divine,
With double warmth thy beams display,
With double warmth thy beams display, and with distinguish’d glory shine, and with distinguish’d glory shine, to add a lustre to this day, and with distinguish’d glory shine, to add, to add a lustre to this day.

[Video+Lyrics] Sound an Alarm

[Video+Lyrics] Sound an Alarm


My arms! Against this Gorgias will I go.
The Idumean Governor shall know
How vain, how ineffective his design,
While rage his leader, and Jehovah mine.

Sound an alarm – your silver trumpets sound,
And call the brave, and only brave around,
Who listeth, follow: – To the field again-
Justice with courage is a thousand men.
Sound an alarm – your silver trumpets sound,
And call the brave, and only brave around.


We hear, we hear the pleasing dreadful call,
And follow thee to conquest; if to fall,
For laws, religion, liberty, we fall.